Home > Conveyor Belt Scales

Scale Dynasty offers conveyor belt scales in one to four idler models, increasing your belt scale accuracy as idlers are added. Additional weigh idlers allow the electronics more time to do its job, increasing the time the integrator has to sample the weight signal. Data output is available to both stand-alone (existing) computers and PLC’s as well as ConveyWeigh supplied remote displays. Determining which belt scale you need depends on the accuracy you require. The single idler model will typically deliver between 1 - 2 % accuracy depending on the quality of the belt, solidity of the belt structure, belt speed, scale loading, belt tensioning device and wind effect.

They have seen single idler scales provide .25% accuracy as well as struggle to provide 2% accuracy. Much depends on the application.

All belt scales are shipped completely ready for drop-in Installation (not in a kit).

Modular Scale Concept
Scale Dynasty offers belt scales in multiple idler configurations.The single idler scale comes with an integral belt speed sensor.
As weighing idlers are added to increase accuracy, they simply supply and install a second, third and forth weighing idler to the single idler system.
This modular concept facilitates efficiency in manufacturing (lowering cost), eases installation, and allows you to add additional weighing idlers at any time with minimal cost and installation time.

Please fill this form out and email or fax back. Belt Scale Data Form

***Please call us for more information and help in assisting which system will work best for your application.
(877) 814-6306 option 2